Why I moved to Microsoft edge from Firefox and Chrome

For the past few years I was using Firefox and Chrome for web browsing, movie, social media and the list goes on. 1 week back I came to know about the latest version of edge and planned to give it a try.

First I thought it was like the old internet explore. after one week I was amazed by the performance of the browser, the cool features and usable extensions for my daily work.

I have also found the edge for Android also and started using in my mobile too by disabling the chrome for another one week. 

So finally I decided to remove Firefox and chrome from the devices and stick to edge and found there is no system lag and the RAM is still free on browsing. Chrome and Firefox eat lots of ram and it affects my computer performance even it is core i5 when I start using chrome after 5 or 6 tabs the system lags. 

Now with the edge the problem solved. thanks Microsoft for your updated version of Edge. I have also recommended the Edge to my friends and they also found it useful.