E-Treasury - Kerala online Treasury

E-Treasury facility is now available in Kerala, inaugurated by Kerala finance minister K.M Mani, and its possible for paying electricity and water tax from anywhere at any time.

ATM facility will be started with in 3 months, he said. Using this facility, payments can be done through internet banking also. EMLI facility was Inaugurated by K.Muralidharan, MLA. This facility is for simplify treasury transactions.

Reserve Bank Director Nirmal Chand, Canara Bank General Manager K.R Balachandran, SBT Managing Director Jeevan Das Narayanan, General Manager Harikishore, SBI Chief General Manager Badal Chandradas, Treasury Director S.Sreekumar were there for the inauguration of this new program.

for more details visit: etreasury.kerala.gov.in