Zebronics announced 7 inch Android ICS Tablet in the Indian market. Packed with features like 1Ghz processor, 3200 mAh battery, 7 inch capacitive touch screen, Android ICS etc...
Product Specification
7 inch capacitive touch screen with 5 points touch and 800 x 480 resolution, 8 GB internal storage, 32 GB expandable slot, Android ICS, 512 MB, Cortex A8 1Ghz processor, 2 Megapixel rear camera and VGA front camera, WiFi, 3200 mAh rechargeable battery and 12mm thickness. Along with that the device support WCDMA, CDMA2000, EVDO and 3G dongle (with auto dail option), The tablet is priced around Rs 5500 in India.
Review on Zebronics ZEBPAD 7C
We like its 7 inch touch screen (works without any issue), 8 GB internal storage, Android ICS ( Company mentioned that they will update the OS to Jelly bean soon), 1Ghz processor (fast enough) and it support most of the internet dongles and nice graphics on the rear panel.
800 x 480 resolution (not so perfect view), 512MB RAM (Once updated to jelly bean, device will slow down), 2 Megapixel rear camera and VGA front camera (Not delivered quality pictures), 3200 mAh rechargeable battery (Drains out faster on heavy use), Glossy finish body (easy to get scratch on rough use)
Zebronics ZEBPAD 7C is a budget tablet and the specs are of low end except the OS (Will get updated) and the Processor. Tablet can be used for running low end apps, games, watch movie and browse internet on Wifi and internet dongles. Not suited for playing High end games and High ends apps. This budget tablet is suited for students.
We give it 4/10
source and image via Zebronics