100 Vacancies in Indian Army for Engineers and Education Corps

Indian Army is recruiting 100 candidate for the post of  Engineers and Education Corps for the 2014 Technical Graduate Course.

MTS MBLAZE ULTRA with 9.8Mbps Speed on MTS 3GPLUS Network

MTS one of the most popular Wireless Internet service provider in India introduced 9.8Mbps Speed data plan called MTS MBLAZE ULTRA.

Thira Malayalam Movie Exclusive Review [Video]

Here is a Review by Ajith. He watched the movie on the Second day, Noon Show.... He shared his experience with us... watch it........

Geethanjali Malayalam Film Exclusive Review [Video]

Here is a Review by Ajith. He watched the Film on the first day, first Show.... He shared his experience.... With us... Watch it........

IDEA reduced 2G and 3G Data rates in Kerala

Kerala's most famous Mobile service provider IDEA cellular announced that they have reduced the 2G and 3G Data rates.