Kobian launched a new 7-inch 3G Android tablet called Mercury mTab7G. It is an ultra-slim tablet with 10.8mm thickness and its a budget tab too. Along with the tab user get accessories worth 900 Rs that is a case cover, keyboard and headset. Tab is priced around 7,800 Rs in India.
India's No 1 two wheeler company Hero MotoCorp entered into the Central America 2-wheeler market. Company introduced 220 CC Karizma, 150 CC Hunk, 125 CC Glamour, 100 CC Dawn, 2 versions of Splendor and Achiever during the launching ceremony.
India's largest telecom service provider BSNL announced that in the coming financial year they will install 100 2G towers in Ernakulam area. The new expansion is to improve the coverage of 2G and 3G services.